About eczema
The term “eczema” appeared in Antiquity. Then this word meant any acute inflammation of the skin. In the Middle Ages, eczema was called wet lichen, and only in the 19th century did a scientific and clear definition of this disease appear.
Eczema is an acute or chronic relapsing skin disease characterized by inflammation and the appearance of numerous papules that resemble boiling water bubbles. Papules merge with each other and burst, leaving behind deep weeping wounds. Eczema is a fairly common disease, according to statistics, in the world it affects up to 10% of the population, mostly patients are women 25-45 years old.
There are 3 stages of eczema. At the acute stage , there is intense redness and an increase in the temperature of the affected area, the appearance of itching and papules filled with a clear liquid. If treatment has not been carried out, after 2 months the subacute stage occurs . It is characterized by thickening of the skin at the site of the lesion. Then the disease passes into the chronic stage – thickened skin begins to peel off, becomes dry and pale.
Varieties of eczema
There is a true, microbial, children’s, seborrheic, varicose and dyshidrotic eczema. All forms of the disease are united by a common symptom – excruciating itching.
With true eczema , red rashes that do not have clear boundaries are observed on the skin of the arms, legs and torso.
The cause of microbial eczema is a streptococcal or staphylococcal infection. The affected areas are asymmetrical, they are flaky and covered with a crust.
Dyshidrotic eczema is manifested by soft blisters on the palms and soles. In addition, with this form of the disease, the condition of the nails worsens.
Varicose eczema is a secondary disease, the development of which provokes venous hypertension of the lower extremities. In addition to itching, it is characterized by swelling and blueness of the affected areas, which are located on the legs.
A greasy yellow scaly rash on the face, behind the ears, on the scalp, on the chest, and between the shoulder blades may indicate seborrheic eczema.
Children’s eczema is observed in children under 10-12 years old. First of all, it affects the scalp and face, and then spreads to the rest of the body.
The reasons
Eczema manifests itself under the complex influence of external and internal factors. Among them:
- genetic predisposition;
- diseases of the immune system;
- diseases of the endocrine, digestive systems;
- infectious and fungal diseases;
Treatment and prevention
A set of measures for the treatment of eczema includes the use of hormonal, desensitizing, antipruritic ointments , taking B vitamins and sedatives. Antibiotics and antimycotic drugs can be prescribed for both external and internal use.
Positive dynamics in the form of dryness and tightness of the skin, epithelialization of cracks, and the absence of itching were noted already on the 7th day of using Losterin cream in monotherapy . The patient continued to apply the cream further, and by the 10th day the epithelialization of cracks in the area of the foot was still reduced.
In addition, patients are advised to change their lifestyle, follow the daily routine, strengthen the immune system, and follow a dairy-vegetarian diet. Balneological treatment also gives a positive effect .
Personal hygiene , taking a warm shower and baths with a decoction of medicinal herbs are important . Immediately after water procedures, it is recommended to apply ointments and creams to the affected areas, which have keratolytic , softening, anti- exudative , nourishing and moisturizing effects. Cream ” Losterin ” due to the content of naftalan deresin , salicylic acid, urea, D- panthenol , almond oil and Sophora japonica extract satisfies all these requirements. In addition, ” Losterin ” has a light structure, is quickly absorbed, does not leave marks on clothes and can be used on any part of the body.