
Exudative psoriasis

Psoriasis, a chronic skin disease, has the following classification: vulgar, arthropathic , exudative psoriasis , pustular, seborrheic, psoriatic arthritis, psoriasis of the soles and palms. The main symptoms of the disease include small or large spots of papular nature that appear on different parts of the body, having a specific surface prone to intense peeling. The process of the onset and development of rashes is accompanied by severe itching. 

Main characteristics

Psoriasis proceeds in waves, with periods of attenuation and acute outbreaks. The appearance of psoriasis is characterized by the presence of small, flat pink papules slightly rising above the healthy skin, dense in consistency. They begin to grow rapidly, reaching the size of a pea, eventually merging into one solid red spot, reaching the size of an adult’s palm and even more.

Incurable, not transmitted by contact or airborne droplets. The main cause of psoriasis is genetic predisposition.

It is characterized by three stages of the course:

– progressive – the appearance of new rashes, an increase in the size of psoriatic plaques, boring itching;

– stationary – cessation of the formation of rashes, reduction of papules, change in skin color in the lesions (cyanotic , burgundy);

– regressive – reduction of symptoms to a minimum, the disappearance of the scaly crust (from the center to the edges). Over time, only the so-called psoriatic pseudo – leucoderm remains on the affected skin .

The most likely causes of the disease:

– allergic reaction to external stimuli (chemical, physical, thermal, mechanical);

– transferred infectious or parasitic disease;

– metabolic disorders;

– disturbances in the work of the endocrine, nervous systems.

The trigger can be psychological or immunological factors. Exudative psoriasis most often affects people with overweight, thyroid dysfunction, and diabetes mellitus.  

A distinctive feature of this type of psoriasis is a large amount of secreted exudative component, the presence of multiple inflammatory reactions at the stage of disease progression. In this case, serous fluid accumulates on the surface of the proriatic plaques and permeates the scales, after which they turn into coarse yellowish crusts.

Exudative psoriasis manifests itself as acute inflammatory foci with indistinct boundaries with a large overlay of serous-purulent or simply serous crusts. After drying, the crusts begin to lay on top of each other, thereby achieving the effect of an oyster shell. This stage of psoriasis is characterized by severe itching and weeping wounds, which, in fact, makes it very difficult to accurately diagnose the disease. Exudative psoriasis is localized in the large skin folds of the body, on the lower and upper extremities.  

Treatment of exudative psoriasis

Various immunostimulating drugs are used to treat psoriasis. Local treatment is based on the use of hormonal ointments and creams that have an anti-inflammatory effect. However, hormonal creams cannot be used constantly, as a negative reaction of the body to some components of the drug may begin.

For the treatment of exudative psoriasis, apparatus therapy is successfully used – plasmapheresis and hemosorption. Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are also prescribed to patients – UV irradiation, paraffin therapy.

One of the main steps in the successful treatment of any type of psoriasis is diet. It is necessary to exclude from the diet all irritating allergenic foods, spicy, sour, foods high in dyes and preservatives. The main menu should include a large amount of protein foods of animal origin.

Treatment should be started early in the development of psoriasis to eliminate the risk of generalized skin lesions. Do not try to diagnose yourself on your own, and it is treated with folk methods. The correct solution to the problem – at the first sign, contact a dermatologist and localize the disease at its initial stage!

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