
Plaque psoriasis: symptoms, methods of struggle

Vulgar, common or plaque psoriasis is a dermatological disease of a chronic form, affecting mainly the skin and, in advanced cases, the nails and joints. This type of disease occurs much more often than other forms of psoriasis.  

Unfortunately, the etiology of the disease is still not clear. But it is generally accepted that psoriasis occurs after nervous shocks, due to metabolic disorders, endocrine disorders, various injuries, haphazard intake of medications, after suffering severe forms of colds (such as flu, tonsillitis, scarlet fever, and others). Also, an important role is played by a hereditary predisposition to psoriasis, which is inherited from generation to generation.

According to clinical observations in children under the age of 10, the disease was detected in one of the relatives. Although if the disease appears at a more mature age, it is considered to be viral or bacteriological. The onset of the disease plaque psoriasis occurs before the age of 20, mainly in men. About 3% of the population of the entire earth suffer from this disease.  

Clinical manifestations

In psoriasis, necrosis of the top layers of the skin occurs much faster than usual. Normally, the cycle of cell death in a healthy person is 25 days, in a patient this process lasts only up to 5 days. Changes in the layers of the skin are characterized by a violation of calcium metabolism, as a result of which pathological changes in the condition of the skin occur and a deficiency of vitamin D occurs. Monomorphic rashes appear on the epidermis, which are called plaques or papules. Their color ranges from pale pink to red. The plaques have different sizes, rounded outlines, which have sharp borders, covered with silvery scales. The scales are easily scraped off.

Localization sites of psoriatic plaques – buttocks, knees, elbows, scalp and the border of the scalp (the so-called ” psoriatic crown”). Rashes can be both localized and generalized, covering large areas of the body.

When there is a worsening of the disease at the site of injury or scratches, for most symptoms characteristic phenomenon Koebner . Patients who have plaque psoriasis have practically no complaints. Sometimes they may be bothered by a slight itching. Basically, patients are worried about the appearance of the rashes themselves. 

Psoriasis is divided into summer and winter forms. With remissions, the disease lasts from several days (with timely treatment) to several months.

On the basis of the clinic and histological examination, a diagnosis is made. The patient is required to find out the anamnesis preceding the disease. In addition, in the diagnosis, an important role is played by finding out the presence of a disease in relatives.

Treatment methods

Unfortunately, psoriasis is a disease that cannot be completely cured. However, there are drugs that help ease the course of the disease and reduce all its unpleasant manifestations to nothing. For plaque psoriasis is the most effective topical therapy in the form of ointments mitigation. The disease requires constant monitoring by a dermatologist and adequate, systematic measures of therapeutic treatment. It is not forbidden to use folk methods, even in some cases it is recommended, however, it is necessary to use non-traditional treatment only after consultation with the attending physician.  

Recently, the methods and methods for treating various forms of psoriasis have improved. So, in connection with the study of virological studies, antibacterial therapy with a complex of antiviral agents began to be used in the treatment of psoriasis.

The key to a speedy deliverance from the symptoms of plaque psoriasis are certain preventive measures. Spa treatment is also an additional source of prevention of psoriasis. Exercise, daily hardening of the body has a good effect on the healing process, preventing recurrence of psoriasis.

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