
Palmar-plantar psoriasis – treatment, causes, symptoms, prevention

What is palmoplantar psoriasis and what are its causes. Varieties of the disease and their symptoms. What methods and drugs are used to treat palmoplantar psoriasis, as well as a list of basic preventive measures that will help speed up treatment and prevent the appearance of a rash.

Palmar-plantar psoriasis is a form of psoriasis in which the rash affects limited areas of the hands and feet. It proceeds cyclically – with periods of exacerbations and remissions. The disease can occur in isolation, without affecting other areas of the skin, or combined with more common forms.

The palmar-plantar form of psoriasis can be resistant to ongoing therapy, so it is very important to carry out treatment under the supervision of a dermatologist. The course of therapy not only prolongs remission, but also completely eliminates pain, restores skin functions and prevents the development of complications. The sooner the patient goes to the hospital, the sooner the symptoms of the disease will go away.

Causes of palmoplantar psoriasis

In most cases, the palmoplantar form appears due to congenital or acquired features of the immune system or is transmitted genetically. A combination of both factors is possible.

Without provocative factors, the disease may not manifest itself at all. Here are the main reasons that can give impetus to the appearance of a rash:

transferred infections (viral and bacterial);

the presence of inflammatory processes in the body;

a course of drugs (based on arsenic, beta-blockers, oral contraceptives, etc.);

drugs, smoking and alcohol abuse;

overweight, metabolic disorders;

pathology of the heart and blood vessels;

disruption of the endocrine system;

severe or prolonged stress.

In psoriasis, the immune system too actively produces protective substances, the aggression of which is directed to their own tissues and cells. As a rule, these are T-lymphocytes. Their activity provokes inflammation and excessive cell division. This is what causes the symptoms. The risk group includes people from 30 to 50 years old.

There are different degrees of pathology, which is especially manifested in the hands. Therefore, in the case of psoriasis on the palms, the photos of the initial stage may differ.

Symptoms of palmoplantar psoriasis

Standard clinical manifestations:

inflamed areas of pink or red color with clearly defined borders;

severe peeling over the rash (clearly visible in the photo of psoriasis on the palms of the hands);

painful cracks in areas with rashes (there are not always);

pustules (a rash with purulent contents, characteristic of some types of psoriasis);

intense itching and burning (do not appear in all patients).

The disease has different forms. Therefore, some symptoms may differ.

Having found suspicious symptoms, you need to contact a specialist dermatologist as soon as possible. You should not self-diagnose yourself by examining a photo of palmar-plantar psoriasis.

Types of palmoplantar psoriasis

There are two main types of palmoplantar psoriasis: vulgaris and pustular (Barber type).

Ordinary psoriasis manifests itself as follows:

in the area of the palms (often closer to the thumb and little finger) or soles (heel, lateral surface of the foot and the area of the metatarsophalangeal joints), clearly defined, inflamed areas of skin of a reddish-yellow color are formed. With a pronounced exacerbation of the disease, the rash can occupy the area of \u200b\u200bthe entire palm or sole.

in some cases, a large number of coarse scales accumulate on the surface of the rash, forming deep and painful cracks

Pustular palmoplantar psoriasis (Barber’s psoriasis) is additionally characterized by the presence of pustules – intradermal accumulations of whitish-yellow pus. Purulent rashes can form on top of plaques and on clean skin.

The pustular subtype develops rapidly, recurs frequently, and is difficult to treat. The treatment of Barber’s psoriasis differs significantly from that of other subtypes.

Methods of treatment of palmoplantar psoriasis

Palmar and plantar psoriasis provides for complex treatment using systemic drugs, external agents and physiotherapy techniques. Since psoriasis cannot be completely eliminated, therapy aims to reduce symptoms and prolong remission.

Systemic treatment involves the use of active anti-inflammatory drugs from the group of immunosuppressants (methotrexate, cyclosporine, etc.) or retinoids ( acitretin ).

For psoriasis on the palms and on the back of the hands, external treatment includes:

glucocorticosteroids (hormonal creams and ointments) – this group of drugs most effectively copes with the inflammatory process in the skin and requires mandatory medical supervision during the treatment period.

vitamin D and its analogues;

non-hormonal external preparations – products containing naftalan , salicylic acid, urea, tar are suitable for use both during an exacerbation of the disease and during remission. This group of drugs rarely causes side effects and can be used by patients on their own.

emollient creams;

In addition to drugs, physiotherapy is actively used. It usually includes the following procedures:

exposure to UV rays (natural or hardware);

PUVA therapy;

excimer laser treatment;

Treatment methods are selected by a dermatologist, guided by the severity of the disease and the characteristics of the patient’s body. The key difficulty in the selection of drugs is their compatibility and contraindications. In addition, for the effectiveness of therapy, drugs must alternate in terms of their level of anti-inflammatory activity. Therefore, you cannot self-medicate.

Treatment of palmar-plantar psoriasis with folk remedies

As an additional measure, you can turn to folk recipes. However, their effectiveness has not been proven. In addition, many natural ingredients are strong allergens and can additionally irritate the skin, which will only aggravate the situation.

Before using this or that prescription, it is highly recommended to consult a doctor. Especially if the disease is severe.

Complex therapy of palmar-plantar psoriasis with the use of Losterin cream

Dermatologists often prescribe a classic cream or Losterin foot cream in the complex therapy of the active stage of palmoplantar psoriasis, as well as to maintain the disease in remission. However, it can be freely purchased at a pharmacy or on the Internet. This is a local non-hormonal remedy. It does not contain aggressive and harmful components, as well as dyes and flavors. Therefore, Losterin is absolutely safe.

All products of the Losterin line have been tested in laboratories and confirmed their effectiveness. Doctors often recommend them for the following benefits:

ease of use (the drug can be used without problems at home and travel).

no addictive effect (the product can be used every day and for several courses);

no side effects – the cream is well tolerated and does not cause allergic reactions

complex effect on the symptoms of the disease – the drug reduces peeling on the surface of the rash, effectively copes with redness of the skin

harmless composition;

Losterin gently fights inflammation and eliminates external symptoms.

Prevention of palmar plantar psoriasis

Many of the signs of palmar psoriasis are also found on the feet and soles. Therefore, therapy and prevention are similar.

Basic preventive measures:

Daily baths with natural esters, sea salt or mild baby soap without any additives. Instead of baths, you can do 20-minute foot and hand baths.

Use of moisturizers. Especially after a shower or bath. The agent is applied once a day. In advanced cases – twice a day.

Use of soft towels. At the same time, the skin is not rubbed, but “ dipped ”, carefully applying a towel to it.

Walks in the open air. It is important for people with psoriasis to get enough sunlight. However, measure is important here. Too much sun will only make matters worse. Therefore, it is worth consulting a doctor about this issue.

Rejection of bad habits. Cigarettes, alcohol and lack of daily routine.

Infection protection. It is important to monitor immunity and avoid contact with sick people.

No stress. Or work on changing the perception of negative situations.

These rules must be observed throughout life. Then the manifestations of the disease will be minimal, and the periods of remission will be longer.

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