
Psoriasis on the eyes and eyelids: photo, treatment, causes, symptoms

What is psoriasis of the eyes and eyelids and for what reasons does it appear. The three stages of ocular psoriasis and the symptoms by which they can be recognized. Methods of treatment of the disease and drugs that are prescribed to patients. A list of recommendations to help relieve symptoms and reduce the risk of disease.

There are numerous diseases that affect the eyes and skin in this area. Many of them practically do not interfere with everyday affairs and have little effect on a person’s well-being. Psoriasis in the eyes is not one of these diseases. It seriously poisons the life of the patient, delivering significant discomfort in the form of burning and intense itching.

This rare form of psoriasis can affect the eyelids, the area around the eyes, the brow area, and in rare cases, the eyeball itself. If the disease is not treated, severe consequences are possible. It can lead to blindness.

Causes of psoriasis of the eyes and eyelids

Eye psoriasis is not a fully understood disorder. Immune disorders and genes are thought to be to blame.

There are also a number of factors that can provoke pathology:

severe stress (for example, a serious emotional shock);

problems with the activity of the endocrine glands;

The disease occurs in people of all ages and both sexes. The form is rare and is recorded in approximately every tenth patient with psoriasis.

Symptoms of psoriasis in the eyes

Regardless of where the symptoms appear, psoriasis delivers not only physical but also psychological discomfort. This is especially true for women. The rashes are very noticeable and worsen the appearance. Often this leads to depression and nervous disorders, which further provoke the disease.

Psoriasis on the eyelids is often accompanied by swelling, which can be seen in some photos of the eyes.

Stages of psoriasis in the eyes

The disease goes through several stages.

If the rash has affected the eyelids, the pathology goes through the following stages:

Initial or progressive stage. Usually the first signs are found on the eyelids. Small rashes form on them. Color – from bright pink to red. Formations slightly rise above the general skin surface. Photos of psoriasis on the eyelids demonstrate the problem well.

stationary stage. The rash becomes more noticeable, occupies a larger area. Peeling appears on the surface of the rash. Sometimes itching can bother.

The pathology is characterized by an undulating course. Periodic rashes are replaced by short or long periods of remission. The duration of the latter depends on the quality of treatment and adherence to precautionary measures.

In very rare cases, psoriasis on the eyelids can occur together with damage to the eyeball – uveitis. The key symptomatic manifestations of eye psoriasis are as follows:

a noticeable network of vessels on the mucous membrane (in case of severe leakage, the entire eye turns red);

hypersensitivity to lighting;

pain and discomfort during the movement of the eyeballs;

severe lacrimation;

“muddy” image, poor clarity of objects;

film on the ocular junction membrane.

The appearance of such symptoms requires immediate consultation with an ophthalmologist. The disease progresses rapidly. Sometimes development takes only a few hours. The pathological process can affect the network of small vessels, causing serious and irreparable damage to the eye.

Treatment of psoriasis in the eyes

In the case of psoriasis on the eyes, treatment is a long and complicated process. In therapy, several directions are used at once, which comprehensively complement each other. The average duration of high-quality treatment is from three to four weeks (when contacting a doctor in the initial stages).

The main therapeutic areas are as follows:

Topical preparations are the main treatment for psoriasis on the eyelids. The most commonly used are weak hormonal drugs (based on hydrocortisone) and non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. The latter include products containing D- panthenol , zinc, urea, salicylic acid, as well as drugs from the groups of vitamin D3 analogues and calcineurin inhibitors .

Given that psoriasis is a chronic disease with an undulating course, people suffering from psoriasis on the eyelids are shown constant care for this area. Cream Losterin can successfully cope with this task , which allows you to reduce the symptoms of the disease and prolong the period of remission.

Psychological help. Designed to reduce patient stress. Helps to adapt in society. Classes with a psychotherapist can take place both in a group and individually. Many patients note that psychological support helps to overcome discomfort.

It is worth noting that any self-medication is excluded. In case of damage to the eyeball, the treatment is carried out by an ophthalmologist! Therefore, it is necessary to undergo therapy exclusively under the vigilant supervision of a doctor. Otherwise, the condition will worsen, and the disease progresses to a more severe degree, which will be less treatable.

However, there are some measures that are suitable for home control. These include:

diet (usually prescribed by a doctor and is exclusive);

skin care (moisturizing and soothing gels, ointments, creams);

giving up bad habits (smoking and alcohol);

daily routine (it is desirable to wake up, eat and go to bed on schedule).

Compliance with these rules and the exact implementation of the doctor’s recommendations significantly increase the likelihood of recovery.

Preventive measures

Preventive measures will bring recovery closer and prolong the period of remission. Must be followed throughout life.

The patient must adhere to the following rules:

Do not use decorative cosmetics. Especially during a relapse. Cosmetics slow down the regenerative processes occurring in the skin and slow down the treatment. Also, cosmetics do not allow the skin to “breathe”, which adversely affects the local metabolism and the general condition of the epidermis.

Observe hygiene. It is important to take care of your skin regularly. However, this must be done carefully. After water procedures, the face and eyes are not wiped with a towel. Instead, they wait until the water evaporates on its own. It is advisable not to touch your face and eyes with your hands during the day. So you can provoke inflammation of the mucous membranes and the eyeball.

Follow the diet. This is a mandatory measure, on the observance of which a significant proportion of success in treatment depends. The diet should be made by the attending physician. General recommendations are as follows: give up sweets, exclude fatty, salty, fried and spicy foods.

To refuse from bad habits. Alcohol and cigarettes significantly affect the condition of the skin and all body systems. Therefore, the rejection of them is a guarantee of improvements.

Protect skin and eyes from adverse factors. For example, from frost and strong wind, from the direct aggressive sun, from sweat.

Take care of your skin. Use moisturizers and soothing products regularly. They are usually prescribed by a doctor.

Avoid stress and overwork. The nervous system and the condition of the skin are closely interconnected. Therefore, any emotional upheaval can instantly provoke a rash.

Currently, it is impossible to completely cure ocular psoriasis. However, you can extend the period of remission. Modern medicine offers a number of proven remedies that eliminate symptoms and improve the general condition of the patient. The main thing is to go to the hospital in a timely manner and not delay treatment. The sooner symptoms are detected, the more effective and faster the treatment will be.

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