Psoriasis – we know the symptoms, we begin to treat
The inflammatory skin disease psoriasis does not spare anyone – adults and young children suffer from it. Doctors have no difficulty in diagnosing psoriasis – the symptoms appear very clearly.
About psoriasis and more
The name of the disease, if translated from Greek, means “itching”, although there are patients who are not worried about this symptom. The main manifestation of the disease are areas of the skin of pink or red color, which have pronounced boundaries and intensely peel off. Psoriasis affects not only the skin, joints and nails suffer from it.
The second name for this disease is squamous lichen. It is one of the few types of lichen that is not contagious.
Regarding chronic diseases, this ailment recurs. Most often, exacerbations occur in the autumn-winter period, however, the summer form of relapse is not excluded.
Symptoms and signs of the disease
When the disease is just beginning, it affects small areas of skin on the head, knees, elbows. But, over time, the affected area increases.
The main symptoms include: a feeling of “tight” skin, itching and the appearance of papules.
How psoriasis develops – its stages
Scientists and doctors distinguish between three stages of the course of the disease:
Stationary – the appearance of new papules is not observed on the skin, and those that exist are healing;
· Progressive – rashes appear on the skin – papules, they can cause itching and bleeding;
· Regressing – around palules, plaques, pseudoatrophic rims appear, large plaques have “islands” of healthy skin in the central part.
Forms of psoriasis
The disease has many forms, but the most common are those listed below.
· Plaque psoriasis. This is the most typical form in which the patient’s skin is covered with plaques with clear boundaries, covered with scales on top. Merging, they form focal zones, often very large. This form of psoriasis affects the elbows, knees, scalp, lower back.
· Psoriasis teardrop-shaped. This form, which is represented by numerous small spots on the skin, can be observed in children, its occurrence can be provoked by a streptococcal infection.
· Pustular psoriasis. This form of psoriasis affects the soles of the feet and palms. Small, painful pustules appear on the skin. This form can occur with psoriasis affecting the nails. In this case, the nail plates thicken, becoming loose, their edges crumble. The surface of the nails resembles a sewing thimble – there are indentations, stripes, grooves on it.
· Intertriginous psoriasis. In this case, the rash appears in the groin area, under the breasts, on the bends of the elbows and knees.
· Generalized pustular psoriasis and erythroderma. Severe form of the disease, accompanied by high fever, chills, redness of the body, in which immediate medical attention is required.
Prevention of psoriasis disease
· The sun has a beneficial effect on the skin affected by psoriasis, but you should not abuse it, it is strictly forbidden to sunburn.
· Protect skin from cuts, wounds, abrasions and other mechanical injuries.
· Identify and treat foci of chronic infections in the body.
· Do not wash with a hard washcloth, this injures the skin and exacerbates the course of the disease.
· Do not abuse alcohol, this reduces the effectiveness of any treatment.
· Treatment of psoriasis, which includes carrying out physiotherapy procedures, can only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.
The good news is that the symptoms of psoriasis are known and pronounced. This allows you to start treatment that can bring the disease into the remission phase, trying to make it as long as possible. Good luck.