
When the right ointment is available, psoriasis will be defeated!

Despite the fact that psoriasis is an incurable disease and from time to time reminds of itself with new rashes on the skin, it is not only possible, but also necessary to treat its symptoms. The goal of any treatment for psoriasis is to eliminate the causes that provoked the disease and to remove it until its symptoms, external and internal, disappear completely. In this regard, patients with psoriasis are prescribed a complex course of treatment, including the use of various systemic therapies and, necessarily, local drug therapy, in which a medicinal ointment becomes the main remedy Psoriasis , or rather, its symptoms, lend itself well to such treatment, despite the fact that this process is quite lengthy and requires the patient to strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations. 

Ointments for mild psoriasis

Antipsoriasis ointments for local therapy are always selected individually, depending on the stage and form of the disease, as well as on the patient’s age. Any ointment, even the most gentle action, is a medicinal preparation, and its incorrect use can lead to undesirable consequences. You need to be very careful when picking up any ointment. Psoriasis is a complex disease, and its treatment must be carefully thought out.  

All local therapies used for the symptomatic treatment of psoriasis are divided into four classes.

Weak ointments are prescribed for children and patients with minor skin lesions. Such ointments include, for example, the agent Hydrocortisone, the main component of which is hydrocortisone acetate, which helps to reduce the production of leukocytes and restricts their movement to the affected areas of the skin. Thanks to the petroleum jelly in Hydrocortisone, the feeling of tightness of the skin disappears . The ointment helps to accelerate skin regeneration, as a result of which the size of psoriatic plaques is rapidly reduced, the disease recedes. The use of Hydrocortisone should be discontinued in the event of a secondary fungal or bacterial infection joining the lesions. Side effects – swelling, itching, hyperemia.

If the result of treatment with weak means is unsatisfactory or the skin lesions have a large area, the patient is prescribed ointments of moderate action. This class of medicines includes Flumethasone pivalate ointment , which has strong anti-inflammatory and antihistaminic properties. Apply this ointment if psoriasis is accompanied by bleeding and oozing lesions. The course of treatment is a maximum of 14 days. Side effects – thinning of the skin, increased pigmentation.

Strong ointments

With extensive skin lesions, as well as with the development of psoriatic arthritis, strong drugs are prescribed. These include Triamcinolone acetonide ointment , which helps relieve unbearable itching, skin inflammation, and wetting of the affected area. It is allowed to use this remedy only during the period of exacerbation of the disease, and only for a short time. Violation of the rules for using Triamcinolone can cause skin atrophy.

Very strong ointments are prescribed to the patient in exceptional cases when none of the therapies undertaken helped to cope with the disease. For example, Cloveit ointment has a strong vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory effect. You can use this tool only for 14 days, no more. It is contraindicated to use the ointment during pregnancy, in the presence of infectious diseases. Children are never prescribed Cloveith . Side effects – skin atrophy, disease development.

All of the above drugs are corticosteroids, that is, drugs containing hormones. For the treatment of psoriasis, they can not always be used because of the many side effects and contraindications that distinguish hormone-containing medications.

Be more attentive to your health – do not make any attempts to self-medicate. The use of any medications must be discussed with your doctor!

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