
Dermatitis on the face – causes and treatment, symptoms

A person’s appearance is an indicator of health and well-being. The appearance of any rashes on the face may indicate disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, malnutrition, an allergic reaction, insufficient or improper care.

Dermatitis on the face is a general concept that includes a number of diseases accompanied by reddening of the skin, swelling, peeling, local itching and rashes.

The disease affects the face, which can bring tremendous physical discomfort and affect psychological health.

Causes of dermatitis on the face

Statistically revealed, the disease occurs with a frequency of 12%. The causes of dermatitis on the face are:

  1. Violations in the work of sweat and sebaceous glands.
  2. The use of low-quality, falsified and expired decorative cosmetics.
  3. Prolonged application of certain drugs (external hormonal agents, antibacterial drugs)
  4. genetic predisposition.
  5. Decreased immune response.
  6. Hormonal imbalance against the background of diseases of internal organs, puberty, menopause or andropause .
  7. Having bad habits.
  8. Insufficient and unbalanced nutrition, fast food intake
  9. Regular stressful situations

Most often, there is a combination of several provoking factors, which complicates the identification of the trigger and the selection of pathogenetic treatment.

Symptoms of dermatitis on the face

Depending on the disease, dermatitis on the face can manifest itself with different symptoms, so home treatment should be abandoned. The most common diseases include contact dermatitis (including allergic), seborrheic dermatitis, atopic and perioral dermatitis.

contact dermatitis

manifestations of the disease are associated with direct contact of the skin and an irritating substance (acid, alkali) or any thermal effect. There is a pronounced redness of the skin, the appearance of rashes, dryness, itching and burning at the site of contact of the skin with an irritating substance.

A type of contact dermatitis is allergic contact dermatitis.

A feature of this disease is the uniqueness of the allergen for each person. So, the disease can manifest itself when using cosmetics and care products, a new powder and fabric softener, be a reaction to jewelry made of metal and other materials.

Usually develops some time after contact with the allergen, which complicates the identification of the causative factor. Unlike contact dermatitis, rashes are more common and may present as less active rashes.

A subspecies of allergic contact dermatitis is photodermatitis and photophytodermatitis , when allergies are caused by combined exposure to ultraviolet rays and cosmetics, drugs, or the juice of certain plants and fruits.

Atopic dermatitis

This disease is characterized by a chronic course, most often develops from early childhood and is often combined with other allergic diseases (hay fever, bronchial asthma). Most often, with atopic dermatitis, marked dryness of the skin of the face, peeling, inflammation of the skin of the eyelids with the formation of edema, peeling of the skin, and pigmentation around the eyes are noted. Often accompanied by severe itching.

Perioral dermatitis

It is more often detected in women aged 18 to 35 years, occurs due to improper facial skin care and prolonged use of anti-inflammatory (hormonal) drugs. The second name for this disease is rosacea -like dermatitis due to the similarity in external manifestations with rosacea .

The skin of the chin, near the corners of the mouth, the nasolabial triangle is covered with pink, red and burgundy spots. Peeling and papular rash are noted on the surface. It is exacerbated by prolonged exposure to the sun, the application of decorative cosmetics, the use of aggressive gels, soap, tonic or facial milk.

Seborrheic dermatitis

The peak of manifestations occurs during puberty, in adults it may be the result of a genetic predisposition, hormonal disorders, reduced immunity, diseases of internal organs, and infectious pathologies.

There are 3 types of seborrheic dermatitis:

  1. Oily is manifested by excessive separation of sebum, shiny skin of the forehead, chin, cheeks and wings of the nose, and a few acne rashes.
  2. Dry: tightness , peeling and cracking of the skin of the forehead, nasolabial folds, chin. May be disturbed by severe itching and pain. The scales are usually white with a yellow tint.
  3. Mixed: a combination of symptoms of oily and dry seborrhea. Involvement in the process of the skin of the scalp.

Exacerbation in the autumn-spring period, has a chronic course.

Treatment of dermatitis on the face

Depending on the cause of dermatitis on the face, complex pathogenetic treatment is prescribed, which includes taking medications, applying medications, correcting lifestyle and nutrition.

The most commonly used medications for dermatitis on the face include:

  1. Antihistamines:
  2. Sorbents:
  3. Sedatives (sedatives)
  4. Vitamin complexes:
  5. Antibiotics, antifungals and antimicrobials
  6. Immunomodulators:

In addition, it is important to correct nutrition with the identification of products that cause an exacerbation of the disease. It is advisable to reduce the intake of citrus fruits, vegetables containing lycopene (red tomatoes, peppers), spicy, salty, smoked and spicy foods.

Recommended observance of the regime of the day and rest, the rejection of bad habits.

Treatment of dermatitis on the face with ointments and creams

In the treatment of contact and allergic dermatitis, hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs are most often prescribed for a short period (10-14 days), and then they switch to treatment with non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs (including Losterin cream ).

Rosacea-like dermatitis on the face requires a longer external therapy, including the gradual abandonment of the use of hormonal drugs, the correction of the microflora of the facial skin with antimicrobial agents, and the restoration of the skin with the help of non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Seborrheic dermatitis on the face is supported by an opportunistic fungal microflora of the skin, so treatment may include the use of antifungal drugs, non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs that reduce the secretion of sebum.


In the complex therapy of dermatitis, the line of non-hormonal drugs ” Losterin ” has proven itself well.

Advantages of the Losterin line

  • the possibility of selecting a remedy depending on the underlying disease;
  • hypoallergenic composition;
  • strict observance of the proportions of active substances;

For dermatitis on the face with the capture of the scalp, shampoo, shower gel, and Losterin cream are used . The release form is selected taking into account the type of skin and the type of dermatitis.

Prevention of dermatitis on the face

Preventive measures are aimed at preventing the development and recurrence of the disease. They provide for the observance of a hypoallergenic diet, the regimen of the day and rest, the exclusion of bad habits, increased physical activity, and a long stay in the fresh air.

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