
Autumn: exacerbation of psoriasis

As a rule, the arrival of the golden autumn due to the lack of sunlight and dry air for many people is accompanied by exacerbations of unpleasant diseases, including psoriasis. First you need to find out what psoriasis is and what causes of its appearance exist.

Psoriasis (squamous lichen) is one of the most common inflammatory skin diseases, which is manifested by redness and severe flaking, accompanied by itching. This disease affects, according to statistics, from 2 to 5% of the world’s inhabitants .  

Usually, psoriasis affects areas of the skin on the bends of the arms and legs, in the buttocks and legs. However, psoriasis can also appear on any other part of the body. There are five main types of psoriasis. The most common is common (spotted) psoriasis.

Both men and women can get psoriasis, and there are no age restrictions. If psoriasis is not treated promptly, in the long term it can lead to complications (for example, progressive arthritis).

If we talk about the reasons for the appearance of psoriasis, then it should be immediately noted that today it is still unknown for what reasons the development of this disease begins in specific people. However, most often scientists argue that psoriasis is associated with the state of the human immune system: in psoriasis, the human immune system accelerates the growth of new cells, which leads to complex immunological disorders in the body. Dermatologists believe that a hereditary factor has a great influence on the development of psoriasis. However, the causes of psoriasis can also occur in patients without a genetic predisposition. Therefore, we can say that psoriasis occurs with the combined action of many causes. The beginning for the development of psoriasis is given by the influence of such external factors as: psychological stress, depression, regular stress, physical trauma, infections, poor / unhealthy diet, metabolic disorders, toxic effects on the body.

If we talk about the symptoms of psoriasis, then the following types of manifestations of this unpleasant disease can be distinguished: the appearance on the skin of bright red or pink papules covered with loose silvery-white scales, peeling of wounds, the appearance of papules at the site of skin damage (Kebner’s phenomenon), skin tightness, itching, fever, insomnia, depression.

What is psoriasis treatment?

There is a huge variety of approaches to treating this condition. However, it must be remembered that the treatment of psoriasis should only be carried out by a doctor, since, as noted by many dermatologists, psoriasis is a purely individual disease. Therefore, for the treatment of psoriasis, doctors use a variety of methods and means, which allows you to individually choose a program that is suitable for a particular patient.

This disease can be treated with external drugs, phototherapy, drug therapy, injections. But today, unfortunately, there is no cure to cure psoriasis once and for all, preventing the exacerbation of this disease.

At home, you should only resort to preventive treatment for psoriasis. It is necessary to cleanse the body of toxins and allergens, which relieves the sharp manifestation of psoriasis symptoms. As a rule, this is ensured by the use of sorbents in treatment. An irreplaceable means of detoxification is the Polysorb MP sorbent. Polysorb is safe and effective, and in the treatment of psoriasis, its intake is recommended for both adults and children.  

In addition, the following types of therapy are used to treat psoriasis:

– Ozone therapy. In this type of therapy, gas procedures and various cosmetics are used. Ozone is considered one of the best antibacterial agents, therefore it is ideal for treating this disease.

– Bioresonance therapy. Here, the body is affected by weak electromagnetic vibrations, which perfectly remove toxins and, at the same time, stimulate detoxification.

– Hirudotherapy. This is one of the oldest methods of dealing with psoriasis using leeches.

To get rid of psoriasis, you need to see a doctor in time. Correct and regular treatment of psoriasis will help keep the disease under control. Take care of yourself!

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