
How to treat psoriasis

How to treat psoriasis – every person who is faced with this disease asks himself this question. It should be noted right away that psoriasis, in fact, is a chronic disease, that is, it is completely impossible to eliminate it from the body. The main factor in the development of psoriasis is the negative reaction of the immune system to the cells of the skin. And modern dermatology has not yet invented means that could prevent the attack of the immune system on the skin. The currently used methods and remedies for psoriasis only temporarily suppress the immune system, reducing the rash of psoriasis almost to their complete disappearance from the skin surface. As a rule, after a while, the disease returns. 

The most feasible task is to find the ideal balance between well-being, time spent, strength and material resources that a person suffering from psoriasis is ready to allocate for psoriasis treatment. In addition , it is important to consider the balance between treatment efficacy and its side effects. 

Before considering specific methods of treating psoriasis, it should be noted that in the case of each individual person, the treatment of psoriasis will take place according to an individual scheme. A remedy that is effective for one patient may not work at all with another person.

How to treat psoriasis – fly agaric tincture

You need to take three raw and preferably unripe mushroom mushrooms. Break the mushrooms, place in a glass jar and pour half a liter of vodka. Let stand for 7 days. Then, with this tincture, lubricate the affected areas of the skin. Do not use inside under any circumstances.

How to treat psoriasis – copper sulfate

In one and a half liters of boiled water, carefully dissolve half a glass of copper sulfate, add three tablespoons of a bottle of potassium permanganate there. In this solution, moisten a cotton swab and wipe the affected skin. Liquid should not be allowed to come into contact with healthy tissue. After application, wait 4 hours, then wash off the solution from the skin with cool water. Sometimes after such a procedure, a burning sensation appears. The solution is applied to the affected skin 2 times a day. As a rule, the course lasts 10 days, then a break is made for a week, and the treatment is repeated.

How to cure psoriasis – propolis ointment

Dilute half a kilogram of natural butter over a fire and boil. Put 5 tablespoons of grated natural propolis in hot boiling oil. Keep the mass on the fire, stirring occasionally, until it becomes homogeneous. Soak a textile napkin with this ointment. Before applying the oil, rub the affected skin with peroxide, then apply an oil-soaked napkin and a bandage that should be worn for 2 days. This ointment heals the affected skin and relieves pain. 

How to cure psoriasis – egg oil

Break hard-boiled egg yolks into pieces, fry without oil. After frying, a reddish oily liquid will stand out from the yolks. This oil should be used to lubricate the affected area. This remedy is believed to be very effective.

How to cure psoriasis – a decoction of medicinal herbs

In equal parts, take a series, St. John’s wort, calamus. Twice as many – corn stigmas, elderberry, lingonberry, horsetail, celandine. Brew with hot water, let it brew. Take orally after meals, half a glass 2 times a day.

How to cure psoriasis – elderberry decoction

1 tablespoon of elderberry color and insist in half a liter of water. Take orally 3 times a day, half a glass after eating. 

How to cure psoriasis – milk foam

Boil fresh country milk, heat for 5 minutes over low heat. Lubricate the affected skin with milk foam formed on the sides of the pan 2 times a day.

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