
Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is a type of inflammatory skin disease that occurs as a reaction to an irritant to a chemical or allergenic substance. These include soaps, cleaning products, latex, cosmetics (including care), metals (nickel, gold), alcohol and alcohol-based cosmetics, plant sap, medicines, inks, paints, glues, fabrics. Also, contact dermatitis can manifest itself under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

The intensity of the symptoms depends on the individual protective reactions of the body. The acute stage can occur both immediately and within a few hours or even days after contact with the allergen. It is characterized by swelling and swelling of the skin in the affected area, redness, fluid-filled vesicles, weeping , pain and itching. With extensive rashes, general malaise, fever are observed. In the chronic form, dermatitis is characterized by peeling, inflammatory infiltration of the skin, the appearance of crusts and cracks.

Contact dermatitis treatment

Usually the manifestation of contact dermatitis goes away on its own , if you stop interacting with the irritant. This takes several days or weeks, depending on how long the contact was.

In the acute stage of contact dermatitis, antihistamines may be taken to reduce inflammation and reduce itching. Also, with a pronounced reaction, low concentration glucocorticosteroid ointments can be used (most often ointments with hydrocortisone are prescribed) for 3-5 days.

When papules appear, it is advisable to use antiexudative ointments . They provoke the release of interstitial fluid from the vesicles, which ensures rapid healing of the epidermis. Zinc and tar ointment, lactic acid ointment, solutions with extracts of oak bark , willow bark , and nettle have a drying effect. If erosive areas appear on the skin, they must be disinfected to prevent infection and the development of pyoderma (suppuration). Decoctions of chamomile and calendula have a mild antiseptic effect.

of Losterin cream in the chronic period

The task of treating contact dermatitis in the chronic period is to soften the epidermis, eliminate peeling, and heal wounds. For this, ointments with salicylic acid and urea (eliminate peeling), vegetable oils, vitamins (nourish and soften), tar, naftalan oil (have a bactericidal effect, promote healing, normalize metabolic processes), extracts of sophora, burdock, nettle, birch buds , oak bark , yarrow, aloe. Cream ” Losterin ” is one of the means of choice in the complex therapy of all types of dermatitis, including contact. Used in the chronic stage, it accelerates the healing process, nourishes the skin and has a positive effect on the metabolism in the epidermis. ” Losterin ” contains deresined naftalan , salicylic acid, urea, Japanese Sophora extract, almond oil and D- panthenol .

Prevention of contact dermatitis

There is no specific prevention for contact dermatitis. The main rule is to avoid contact with an irritant: refuse allergenic metal jewelry, use gloves, a mask and closed clothing when cleaning and physical work, replace cosmetics with hypoallergenic ones, change washing powder, etc. If a liquid or powdered irritant has got on skin, you need to rinse it off with running water as soon as possible and dry the skin with a towel.

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