
Hand dermatitis treatment

Dermatitis on the hands is an inflammation of the skin, which is characterized by rashes on the back of the hands, palms, spaces between the fingers, wrists and forearms (less commonly, the shoulders). Similar rashes are more common with contact, allergic and atopic dermatitis.

Causes and symptoms of dermatitis on the hands

The cause of contact dermatitis on the hands is a mechanical, physical, chemical or biological effect on the skin: wearing metal jewelry, latex or wool gloves, exposure to household products, plant sap, pollen, ultraviolet radiation, cold, cosmetics, such as nail polish or cream for hands

Allergic dermatitis on the hands develops under the influence of allergenic substances that enter the body – medicines, food, dust, chemical fumes. In this case, acute inflammation of the skin is called toxidermia . Allergic hand dermatitis often develops in people who are predisposed to other allergic diseases, such as bronchial asthma, seasonal allergies, etc. The appearance of skin lesions on the hands can take from several minutes to several months after the allergen enters the bloodstream.

Genetically determined hypersensitivity of the immune system to a certain factor is the cause of atopic dermatitis.

Dermatitis on the hands is accompanied by vivid symptoms. The first of these is itching, which leads to scratching of the skin. Redness, burning, small watery bubbles or blisters appear on it. The joints on the hands – fingers and wrists – become difficult to bend due to their swelling, the skin loses elasticity, and deep weeping cracks appear. It becomes difficult to move the arms, even washing them or putting on gloves causes pain. In addition, due to discomfort and itching, sleep is disturbed, the patient may wake up several times a night.

Dermatitis on the hands is not only a physical but also a cosmetic problem. Most of the time, hands are seen by strangers, who can react to rashes, papules and scratching in completely different ways. Experiences and psychological discomfort of the patient exacerbate the course of the disease. According to statistics, the risk group is women living in big cities, but dermatitis on the hands can appear in any person, regardless of gender, age, and lifestyle.

In addition to mental factors, the treatment of dermatitis on the hands is even difficult for hygiene and contact with the environment: with air (which can be dusty, dry, etc.), cleaning products, water, various surfaces, sometimes contaminated. That is why dermatitis is called the disease of civilization: the development of industry, the emergence of new household chemicals has led to the fact that a person is constantly faced with new types of cleaning, washing, dyeing, and adhesives. Even the rules of hygiene, so necessary in a modern city, can do a disservice to a patient with dermatitis on their hands. Public and home toilets, money, door handles and handrails – contact with these objects, firstly, increases the risk of infection of diseased skin, and secondly, makes frequent hand washing necessary, which leads to drying, peeling, cracking of the skin.

Through wounds formed at the site of scratching or bursting dry skin, an infection can enter the bloodstream. In turn, this can lead to serious consequences for the body, up to a general drop in immunity and the spread of dermatitis to other parts of the body.

Treatment of dermatitis on the hands – selection of therapy

The choice of therapy for inflammation of the skin of the hands depends on the form and severity of the disease. The first step to recovery is identifying the allergen and stopping contact with it. If the reaction is caused by food products, a hypoallergenic diet is prescribed, if household chemicals or inks, paints, then rubber gloves must be used when working with them. If dermatitis on the hands manifests itself upon contact with a certain metal, it is worth replacing it with another one or completely abandoning jewelry. Often, for mild contact dermatitis, this treatment is enough to get rid of the symptoms. More serious cases of the disease require medical treatment and supervision by a dermatologist.

The second stage of therapy is to remove the acute stage of inflammation, in which there is severe itching, swelling and redness of the skin, even pain. Preparations are prescribed for internal and external use.

Preparations for internal use

So, to inhibit inflammatory processes and reduce the harmful effects of allergens, tableted antihistamines are prescribed . Depending on the degree of damage, drugs are prescribed for a period of 2 weeks to several months. For the treatment of dermatitis on the hands, means of various generations are used.

First-generation antihistamines ( diphenhydramine , mebhydroline , chlorpyramine , clemastine , cyprohepadine , promethazine , quifenadine ) have a powerful antipruritic and decongestant effect, as well as reduce muscle tone and provoke drowsiness. They are recommended for therapy in the acute period.

Second-generation drugs have practically no effect on the nervous system and do not reduce physical activity, however, they can adversely affect the functioning of the heart, so they should not be taken by people with cardiac diseases and elderly patients. Second generation antiallergic drugs include terfenadine , astemizole , acrivastine , dimetendene , loratadine .

If it is impossible to provide the patient with a bed (home) treatment regimen, antihistamines are prescribed. third generation . They do not affect the functioning of the brain and heart muscle, which means that they can be taken by people whose work is related to mental activity. In the pharmaceutical market , third-generation antihistamines are cetirizine , fexofenadine , desoloratadine , hifenadine .

To quickly remove allergens from the body, drugs are prescribed that stabilize the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Sorbents absorb and remove toxins accumulated in the liver and intestines from the body. These include activated carbon, enterosgel .

Preparations for external use

Dermatitis on the hands often accompanies itching, which worsens at night. Many patients complain of waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to get back to sleep. In such cases, it is recommended to wear cotton gloves before going to bed and take a light herbal sleeping pill.

An acute inflammatory process is removed by means of glucocorticoid ointments or creams. Depending on the severity of the lesion, the use of drugs of weak or medium action is prescribed. If the skin lesion spreads and affects not only the skin of the hands, but also the rest of the body, it is necessary to use strong hormonal drugs. Since dermatitis on the hands is accompanied by swelling and burning, more often patients are prescribed creams. Due to their structure, they have a cooling effect, which helps to reduce swelling, and a quick antipruritic effect. Weak hormones include hydrocortisone, medium hormones include prednisolone, fluocortolone , prednicarbate . Glucocorticoid creams are used for a limited amount of time, usually not longer than a week.

Removal of acute inflammation is only the first stage of therapy. The chronic stage is also characterized by itching (albeit not so intense) and, most importantly, dry skin. Dryness provokes peeling and cracks that interfere with the healing of the skin. To normalize metabolic processes in the skin, including water balance, it is necessary to resort to additional moisturizing. The application of creams after hygiene procedures brings the greatest effect. Under the influence of warm (but not hot) water, the epidermis softens, and the crusts dissolve and move away.

However, it is worth noting that washing hands with soap will most likely lead to a negative result, since alkali dries out the skin and, once in the wounds, causes tingling and separation of exudate. Delicate care is provided by special medical and cosmetic care products for inflamed skin. So, Losterin body gel , which can also be used as hand soap, does not contain surfactants, fragrances or dyes. And 4 types of vegetable oils in its composition, naftalan deresined and extract of Japanese sophora provides cleansing, bactericidal action, and skin hydration. In the acute period, it is recommended to clean the skin of the hands with micellar water and clean soft wipes.

After carrying out water procedures, the skin is gently blotted (do not wipe!) With a towel and a moisturizer is applied. With dermatitis of the skin of the hands, creams containing vegetable oils and panthenol are useful , which create a thin fatty film on the surface of the skin and do not allow the liquid to evaporate. Vegetable oils can be applied to the skin in the form of lotions, or they can be part of creams. Traditionally in dermatology, olive, linseed, sea buckthorn, sunflower, avocado and jojoba oils are used. In addition, funds with the addition of plant extracts and vitamins are needed. These components provide nutrition to skin cells and accelerate regeneration. Skin itching helps to remove preparations with tar, naftalan , salicylic acid, zinc.

Preparations with propolis contribute to the restoration of epithelial cells. This natural remedy has desensitizing, anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties due to its composition. Propolis contains flavonoids, aromatic and fatty acids, free amino acids, proteins, alcohols, minerals, sugars, vitamins, steroids, many trace elements. However, ointments, sprays and creams with propolis can only be prescribed to those people who are not allergic to honey and pollen. In other cases, the remedy may cause a severe allergic reaction.

In most cases, chronic dermatitis on the hands is amenable to external herbal medicine. It can be combined with hygiene procedures. For example, after an evening shower, it is useful to take hand baths with extracts or infusions of needles, chamomile flowers, oak bark , calendula, birch buds, succession, burdock root, plantain leaves, poplar buds, lungwort. After a 10-minute bath, the skin of the hands is also dried with a towel and a moisturizer is applied.

Cream Losterin in the treatment of dermatitis on the hands

Means of natural origin must be used every day for several weeks and even months, depending on the severity of the disease. It is important that they do not have synthetic fragrances, and their active ingredients quickly penetrate deep into the epidermis. These requirements are fully met by the Losterin cream , intended for daily care, moisturizing and protecting the skin of the hands. Almond oil provides regulation of water balance. Sophora japonica extract reduces the intensity of inflammation and flaking, and naftalan deresined is a natural product that has been used in the complex treatment of dermatitis for more than 100 years. Naftalan has bactericidal, vasodilating and regenerative properties, and in combination with urea and salicylic acid, it has a powerful antipruritic effect.

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