
Psoriasis treatment: ointment – how effective is it?

Psoriasis is one of the most common chronic recurrent skin diseases in the world, and is characterized by inflammatory processes in the dermis, increased proliferation of epidermal cells, and disruption of the processes associated with the production of keratin. This is a multifactorial psychosomatic disease, the etiology of which has not yet been fully understood, as well as a remedy has not been found for a complete cure for psoriasis. The main causes of psoriasis include genetic, neurogenic, viral and immune predisposition.

Depending on the nature of the course and localization of psoriatic plaques, the disease is usually divided into ordinary (vulgar), exudative, seborrheic, palmar-plantar psoriasis, as well as nail psoriasis. The most severe forms of the disease are psoriatic erythroderma, arthropathic and pustular psoriasis.

Treatment methods

As mentioned above, it is impossible to completely cure psoriasis. The main goal of the complex treatment of this disease is to achieve a patient’s condition in which the symptoms of the disease will be minimized.

Treatment tactics are developed in accordance with the processes of pathogenesis of psoriasis, and its main goal is to eliminate inflammation in the affected areas, reduce the proliferation of epithelial cells, and stabilize their differentiation. To achieve optimal results, local, medication and physical therapy are used.

In the systematic treatment of various forms of psoriasis, drugs such as aromatic retinoids, cytostatics, immunosuppressants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used, the action of which extends to the general health improvement of a patient with psoriasis.

Physical methods of treating psoriasis involve the use of hardware phototherapy – exposure to areas of the skin affected by psoriasis with ultraviolet rays of medium and long waves.

Among the topical preparations, medicinal creams are most often prescribed that have a softening and anti-inflammatory effect, compresses from decoctions of medicinal plants, as well as a wide range of special ointments, which include specific substances that contribute to the early elimination of the external signs of psoriasis.

Ointments for the treatment of psoriasis

First of all, an ointment of the corticosteroid class, which has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, is used as an effective treatment for psoriasis . Such external agents help to reduce the swelling of the skin in the lesions, reduce redness, relieve itching, and reduce the generation of epidermal cells.  

Ointment-cream “Antralin” is prescribed for the treatment of plaque psoriasis, which are located on the scalp of the patient and on the smooth skin of the body. The treatment of psoriasis shows excellent results if the ointment , gel or cream contains a derivative of vitamin A, a substance called tazorak, which slows down the growth of skin cells. Similar drugs are used to treat the most severe forms of the disease.  

In addition to tazorak, salicylic acid is often included in the composition of external drugs for the treatment of psoriasis, thanks to which scaly scales disappear from the surface of psoriatic plaques and their neoplasm is significantly slowed down.

Ointment “Calcipotrien” is prescribed for the treatment of general and plaque psoriasis, psoriasis of the nails and scalp. Promotes the destruction of scales, reduces the regeneration of skin cells, evens out foci of epidermal lesions.

In general, it should be noted that the treatment of psoriasis with ointments, creams or gels for external use shows good results, and very often such therapy is sufficient. If the course of the disease is in a severe stage, stronger agents of general action must be added to topical preparations. However, their use should be started only as directed by a dermatologist and the entire course of treatment should be carried out strictly under his guidance.

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