
Pustular psoriasis: rare but extremely dangerous!

There are many forms and varieties of psoriasis. The nature of the course of the disease, the specificity of the rash, the stage of development of the disease largely depend on the causes of psoriasis, factors that aggravate the course of the disease, the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, and many other aspects. In some cases, the vesicles characteristic of psoriasis turn out to be filled not with serous fluid, but with white pus. Around these purulent vesicles, the skin is edematous, has a red tint, and is inflamed. The pustules then form a rough, scaly surface of the skin that needs immediate treatment. It is nothing more than pustular psoriasis – one of the most severe and rare types of psoriasis.  

Pustular psoriasis develops in people of older and retirement age, it can either be localized, that is, affect individual parts of the body (soles, palms), or generalize, that is, capture any areas of the skin. Both localized and generalized pustular psoriasis can occur in both men and women. Although the latter are susceptible to this type of chronic skin pathology to a greater extent.

Symptoms and causes of pustular psoriasis

By the type of course, idiopathic, primary pustular psoriasis and benign secondary psoriasis are distinguished .  

In the first case, the disease is characterized by severe malignant development. Symptoms of the primary form of this type of disease are the presence of multiple purulent elements that are located on the infiltrated lesion. Purulent pustules tend to be intensely scaly. Accompanying symptoms are itching, burning, erythema and swelling of the skin.

In the second variant of the development of pustular psoriasis, purulent efflorescences (pustules) usually appear on lesions of vulgar-type psoriasis, or develop at the site of an already existing papule. This is a very severe type of psoriasis, with a persistent course, often leading to the patient’s disability , or even death. Fortunately, this form of psoriasis is extremely rare.

The factors that can serve as a reason for the emergence and development of this type of chronic skin disease are considered to be:

– taking certain medications ( penicillin , salicylates, lithium-based medications, methotrexate );

– haphazard use of steroid drugs;

– infectious diseases;

– exposure to ultraviolet radiation;

– pregnancy;

– alcohol abuse;

– stress, strong emotional stress;

– the influence of drugs for external use;

– exposure to aggressive chemical compounds;

– abrupt cessation of therapeutic drug treatment.

Depending on the localization of the lesions, pustular psoriasis is divided into three types, the symptoms of which also differ somewhat.

Subtypes of pustular psoriasis

Andrews pustular bacteriride . The reasons for the appearance of this subspecies of the disease are unknown. It manifests itself on the palms and soles, does not have anamnestic and clinical signs characteristic of other types of psoriasis. The factor provoking the onset of the disease is a focal bacterial infection. After the elimination of the infectious disease, pustular psoriasis of this type disappears.

Palmoplastic pustulosis . It is localized on the palms and soles, along the thumb and on the heels. The pustules look like hard spines located at the apex of red psoriatic plaques. Within a short time, purulent papules-thorns resolve, harden, become covered with a characteristic crust and become brown.

Generalized pustular psoriasis of Tsimbush . It appears suddenly, within a few hours, capturing large areas of the skin. The affected skin becomes red, soon specific wounds appear on it, and strong painful sensations arise. After a few days, the pustules resolve and dry up, leaving behind a glossy, glassy surface of the skin. Cymbush’s psoriasis (pustular) is an extremely dangerous form of the disease, accompanied by symptoms such as fever and chills, dehydration and muscle weakness, anemia, weakness and increased heart rate.

Professional help from a doctor in the detection of primary signs of pustular is required immediately.

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