
Psoriasis in children – treatment, causes, symptoms

Features of psoriasis in children and the causes of its occurrence. What are the stages of the disease and how to recognize its onset. How is childhood psoriasis treated and what medications are used. A list of rules that will help speed up the healing and prolong the period of remission.

Psoriasis in children is a chronic non-infectious skin disease. It is manifested primarily by specific rashes, as well as a change in the nail plates. In addition to the skin, joints can be affected.

Psoriasis usually first appears in people between the ages of 15 and 25. However, it rarely occurs in children. Predisposition to pathology depends on heredity. Therefore, it usually affects children in whom one of the closest relatives has psoriasis.

An alternative name is scaly lichen. Further on what is psoriasis, photos of symptoms and treatment in children.

Causes of psoriasis in children

In the case of psoriasis in children, the causes are not fully known. It is widely believed that the disease is caused by disturbances in the functioning of the immune system, which is not able to properly respond to external factors.

Other factors that can trigger a rash include:

  • Heredity. If there were patients with psoriasis in the family, the probability that the child will have it increases by 30%. If both parents are sick, the risk increases by 80%. However, genetics is not a guarantee that the disease will appear.
  • Infection caused by β-hemolytic streptococcus can provoke the appearance of one of the forms of the disease.
  • Violations of the nervous system, as well as severe stress.
  • Endocrine disorders, in particular obesity, can cause psoriasis.

In psoriasis in children, causes and treatment are often intertwined.

Usually, children’s psoriasis first manifests itself in winter or autumn – during cold weather.

Symptoms of psoriasis in children

Psoriasis in a child has some features, but it may look the same as in adults – this is noticeable even in the photo of the initial stage.

One of the varieties of psoriasis characteristic of childhood is psoriasis in the diaper area. The rash often affects large folds and resembles diaper rash. May be similar to candidiasis, diaper dermatitis or contact dermatitis. However, psoriasis has its own distinctive features:

  • the rash is red or bright pink;
  • the boundaries of the formations are clearly delineated;

The photo most clearly characterizes psoriasis in children, including images of the initial stage.

The rash begins with reddening of the skin and gradually flows into the formation of papules. These are red, slightly convex rashes. They can merge with each other, forming larger plaques.

Stages of psoriasis in children

The disease proceeds for a long time. Symptoms usually go through three stages:

  1. Progressive. A small rash forms on the skin. Psoriasis in infants often resembles sweating. The color varies from bright pink to red. Peeling and sometimes cracks form on the surface of the rash. The rash increases in size and spreads to nearby areas. If the disease is severe, there is an increase in temperature, an increase in lymph nodes, swelling and noticeable redness of the skin.
  2. Stationary. In this station, new rashes stop appearing, the growth of old foci stops. The peeling becomes less. Psoriasis in a child on the head goes to nearby areas.
  3. Regressive. Rashes gradually resolve. After their leaving, areas of a lighter or darker color compared to the surrounding skin remain.

With psoriasis in a child, the photos demonstrate the situation more clearly than the description.

The absolute disappearance of symptoms means the beginning of remission. How long it will last depends on the skin care and diet of the child. Often the disease returns after an infectious disease.

The initial stage of psoriasis in children

In children under one year old, the skin in the folds turns red first. This is clearly seen in the photo of signs of childhood psoriasis.

After clear spots are formed, which eventually begin to grow and merge together into more extensive formations.

The rash can be located on the face, in the genital area or in the buttocks. A little later, peeling on the surface of the rash becomes apparent. This is the key difference between psoriasis and dermatitis or simple diaper rash.

In children, the disease develops faster than in adult patients. With psoriasis in children, a large amount of photos of the initial stages is on the network.

Treatment of psoriasis in children

With psoriasis in children, treatment is reduced mainly to external preparations. Especially if the child is small.

The strategy and methods of therapy are determined by a dermatologist – after a thorough diagnosis and analysis of the patient’s condition.

In most cases, the following steps are taken:

  • Local non-hormonal preparations. Ointments, gels and creams based on salicylic acid, D- panthenol , urea provide skin hydration, reduce flaking, and have a calming effect. Additionally, drugs analogs of vitamin D3 and drugs from the group of calcineurin inhibitors ( pimecrolimus , tacrolimus ) are used.
  • Hormonal drugs ( glucocorticosteroids ) are the most effective group of drugs. They are distinguished by a quick effect, however, they are used with caution in childhood, given the risks of side effects and the need for long-term application.
  • Physiotherapy. Effective at all stages of the disease. May include multiple procedures. The most common are UV-B, PUVA and excimer laser therapy.
  • Diet. With psoriasis, careful nutritional control is fundamental. Usually, the doctor prescribes a diet that excludes junk food and potential provocative foods.

Psoriasis is a chronic disease. Therefore, it is impossible to get rid of it forever. Medications help relieve and relieve symptoms, as well as quickly transfer the first and second stages of the disease to the last.

More often they resort to complex treatment with local preparations. This approach has proven to be effective and allows you to extend the period of remission. One of the commonly prescribed external agents is Losterin . Losterin is intended for complex therapy of skin diseases, including dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis.

Treatment of psoriasis in children with folk remedies

Traditional medicine contains an abundance of recipes for psoriasis. However, this does not mean that they are effective. With home remedies, you should be as careful as possible, since it is natural components that most often cause allergies and skin irritation. This may make the situation worse. Especially in children.

Before using this or that remedy, a mandatory consultation with a doctor. The child’s body is not fully formed, so a number of folk remedies can disrupt his activity.

Complex therapy of psoriasis in children using the line of funds ” Losterin “

” Losterin ” is a topical drug that helps to relieve the symptoms of psoriasis and serves as a skin care product during remission.

The tool is produced in several forms. Some of the most convenient for children are:

  • cream;
  • shampoo (used for psoriasis in children on the head);
  • shower gel.

All drugs are safe and can be effectively used in complex therapy. Suitable for both adults and children of all ages.

Prevention of psoriasis in children

Thus, the answer to the question “does psoriasis occur in children” is positive. To make the disease less disturbing, you need to follow the rules of prevention.

Preventive measures should be used both during treatment and during remission. In the first case, they weaken the symptoms and speed up recovery, and in the second, they help prevent the appearance of another rash.

As a precautionary measure, the following rules are recommended:

  • Care for the skin. When bathing a child, do not use washcloths and towels with a hard surface. All this injures the epidermis.
  • Proper clothing. Loose fit and soft natural materials.
  • Sun protection. It is necessary to avoid direct exposure of the sun to the skin. Especially when they are the most aggressive. Apply a high-level SPF 20 minutes before going outside.
  • Caution. Cuts, burns, and any kind of skin injury can trigger a rash. Their consequences are clearly visible in the photo of childhood psoriasis.
  • Proper diet. Ideally, the attending physician should prescribe an individual diet. However, there are general guidelines. Allergenic foods, such as citrus, are removed from the menu. Exclude junk food: sweets and pastries, fried and smoked, spicy, too salty, canned, foods with dyes and flavors. The basis of the diet should be raw vegetables, proteins and healthy fats. Prepared by boiling or steaming.
  • Stable psychological state. The atmosphere in the house should be calm and friendly. Any stress is contraindicated for a child, including conflicts and overwork (both physical and psychological). Older children will benefit from sessions with a psychologist – individually or in a group.
  • Accurate medication intake. Some medications can cause a rash. For example, antibiotics. Before giving a child any medication, it does not hurt to consult a doctor.

It is also important to visit the hospital regularly to check the condition of the body. And comply with all medical prescriptions. If you take the problem seriously, psoriasis will be less likely to bother you.

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